As I am a Bank Negara Malaysia Scholar, I felt compelled to write this post…
Therefore, to my friends, especially the BNM applicants, happy reading!!!
“Kak Wani, saya nak melawat Bank Negara esok (hari khamis minggu lepas) boleh x?? Kak Wani bz x?? Kak Rafidah & Kak Zeha bz x??? Because I would like to discuss a little bit regarding my claim for the US application fees and the university that most probably I will be pursuing my studies there.”
“Owh, boleh jer nak melawat, Cuma… we are a little bit bz this week, kitorang conduct interview tuk junior2 korang la this week and next week… but Kak Rafidah mungkin x berape bz…so boleh lah kalau nak datang..”

orang2 kat department HRD (Human Resources) BNM memang baik2… friendly and amicable…
Di sini nak perkenalkan org2 yang korang mungkin akan jumpa time interview nanti…Panggil Cik/Puan/Ms.. but biler dah jadi scholars nnti boleh la panggil kak, sebab dorang lebih mesra dengan panggilan tuh… Mane nama laki2 ek??
Pn. Liz (Manager) a.k.b.t.s.a (as known by the scholars as) Kak Liz
Pn. Rafidah a.k.b.t.s.a Kak Rafidah
Pn. Ros a.k.b.t.s.a Kak Ros
Pn. Zeha a.k.b.t.s.a Kak Zeha
Cik Syazwani a.k.b.t.s.a Kak Wani
Nak reveal pe nih sebenarnyer??

The F4 are as follows:

Macam presentation2 biasa kat sekolah korang dulu...x perlu takut…
Dier akan kasi briefing dulu psl BNM punyer scholarship then dier akan kasi satu kertas yg tertera di atasnya problem yang korang kena solve…dier akan provide marker pens, kertas mahjung for you for the presentation...
And paling penting dier kasi 30-45 mins or tuk lengkapkan assignment tuh...
Problem yg kena solve mungkin varies from group to group… anway yang saya kena tahun lepas macam nih..
Something like this la..x berapa ingat…
There was a terrible flood in a nearby hometown and many buildings were destroyed by it. It is known that there are still some survivors left in their houses. The roads are impassable due to the flood.
You are the leader of a group of volunteers that consist of 10+ members. Some are experienced volunteers for Red Cross, First Aid, Firemen, etc and others (dier state number sebenarnyer) are fresh volunteers with no experience. Divide your team adequately, give their roles accordingly and state and explain the roles of the volunteers sufficiently.
Please include things that you should bring, action plan during the two-day rescue mission, backup plan or if things do not go as planned or unpredictable things happen…
Macam tu lah lebih kurang soklan dier.. Juz remember that you have a limited amount of time to design your plan…
You have to present this, during my time, in front of two evaluators.. dier akan tengok presentation korang and tanya soklan2 cepu emas mcm “What happen if the boat suddenly brake down??” or “What happen if you suddenly the walkie-talkie connection faded and you as the leader lose communication with the rest of the volunteers??” or “What will you do if the survivors are more than you expected and the spaces of the boat is limited”…
Yang nih mungkin rilex sket sebab korang keje as group.. but team work is really important and they are evaluating you based on your participation in the group and how you present...
Yang ni pulak dier bagi masalah lagi… and mcm tadi dier provide marker pens and kertas mahjung skali lagi...
Korang nak pasarkan produk/service yang boleh dipilih dari tiga produk/service yg akan diberi...
During my time,
Health Product : minuman health yg boleh merampingkan kalu x silap
PDA or Handphone
Gym Service
Macam nih la lebih kurang...
Choose only one product/service that will produce the most profit and the money that is designated for your company to produce this service/product is …(certain amount)
Give a name for your product/service and fill in the posts given, each of you have to play your roles accordingly…work as a team and plan the flow of how you and your team members will develop this product/service…
2 for Marketing and Advertisement:
2 for Product Design and Implementation
Hmm…janganlah nak berebut sgt untuk jadi Manager, x semestinya yang jadi Manager tuh dpt scholarship BNM nih..dier depends your performance..how do you elaborate your role and how do you work in a team…
And satu lagi time nak pilih service or product tuh..korang kena wujudkan persepakatan...mesti ader yg x puas hati dengan decision yg dibuat oleh member yg laen... so fikir and bincang and cepat2 pilih satu product or service...jgn terlampau buang byk masa kat sini..masa yang diberikan agak limited!!!
During my time, ader 2 orang Indian, 3 orang Chinese, and I am the only Malay.
I just aquired the Product Design and Implementation post..ader sorang Indian nih yang beriya sgt jadi Manager… bila aku contact dorang..aku dengar2 yang members in my group yg lain x dpt..Alhamdulillah aku dpt..
Do you best!! That’s the trick!!! Pray to ALLAH!!! We have ALLAH with us…
Yang nih lebih kurang interview2 laen mcm interview MARA..but yang nih ramai sket la 3 to 1…
Tuk guide kepada interview nih korang mungkin boleh baca my previous post psl ‘Sebuah Perkongsian ::. INTERVIEW .:: yg berkenaan interview MARA and aplikasikan dlm INTERVIEW BNM..
1. Do lah some research on BNM… mission and vision, objective, what is actually Bank Negara Malaysia role...They are your soon-to-be sponsor…you must know them…at least a little bit..
How are you going to contribute to BNM???
2. Do lah some research on your course… Bank Negara x offer pure engineering.. (dulu ader offer).. so mungkin korang pilih course yg korang kurang minat or korang kurang jelas..
So,at least baca lah psl course yg korang letak.. untuk course second choice pun korang kena baca sket2 sebab ader kemungkinan dier tanya.. “why do you choose this course for you second choice”
Tengok jugak tempat tuh.. why do you choose US not UK?? Or why do you choose Australia not UK??
Bagi yg apply financial engineering.. check course nih betul2..
Dier byk cmner kiter nak apply finance dlm engineering..byk finance
Not really a pure engineering course…
3. Elaborate articulately about your extra-curricular achievements…and kalu boleh relate kan dengan course yang korang pilih…
Mcm during my time I applied for IT in the US, and I gave an example of my National Robotics Competition and relate it with IT… I mentioned that I was the head of the team and was in charged of programming the robot…the word ‘programming’ do have connection with the course IT, hmm try to find one for your course…
*Note for those who applied for IT: *
Kalu mcm IT kat UK tuh..memang ader Bachelor of Science in IT…
Tapi kalu IT kat US..dier x der course nama IT..but nama course dier Computer Science and yang lebih menarik and baik hati Bank Negara nih..ialah korang yang apply IT boleh amek ape2 yang ader Computer dlm course tuh...
So, that is why I choose Computer Engineering…(which byk belajar bout hardware rather that software)..byk engineering la…
4. Tanya soklan di akhir interview… Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk tanya soklan2 relevan. “Malu bertanya sesat jalan”..
Ingatkan korang dah terlepas dari menulis essei selepas menjawab soklan SPM BM kertas 1 and soklan essay English…hehehe..NOPE, korang kena buat SATU ESSAY BM and ONE ESSAY IN ENGLISH…
Ader beberape topic utk dipilih..so jgn risau lah..mcm kalu x silap tuk ESSAY BM ader 5 choices of questions and ESSAY BI pun sama…
The topic yg I have chosen is:
For BM,
Mat Rempit (soklan dier sebenarnye agak panjang but saya x berapa ingat la)
Lebih kurang tajuk nih… Illegal Investment in the Internet World. (soklan dier panjang lagi)
Byk tajuk pilihan dier yang berkaitan dengan perbankan gak..depends la…
That’s all… Yang ni jer lah yang saya mampu bagitau… Any soklan letak lah kat ruangan comment and saya akan cuba jawab sedaya mungkin..
Specifically for my brother, Anas, yang interview Bank Negara esok… GUD LUCK and DO YOUR BEST!!!
To the REST of the selected APPLICANTS,
NANTI JUMPA KAT BANK NEGARA NANTI!!! (for those who dapat la :)
interview individual presentation dah xde...
ammar to anas_af:
oh bro, thanks for the info..
actually baru jer balik dari bank negara.. saje gi melawat sambil2 tanya2 soklan... hehhehe...
semoga anas dpt scholarship yg di apply...
eh klau mcm plan nak study kat US..better prepare awal2..
smbg adek-bradek...
cm genetik jer bnd ni...
kasi sma adik-bradik....
ak x dpt...
weh, ko g x petronas?
wat r sket citer psl petronas lak...
ak educamp ari khamis ni da
salam harizhazwan..
lah bukan genetik...
hmm..der lah hikmahnyer tuh...
to be frank, aku x dpt gi petronas educamp tuh...
so mungkin ko bley tanya aizuddin paiman ker...link blog dier ader kat blog aku...or others yg under petronas..
hehe..ader hikmanyer..aku x dpt educamp..but dapat lak gi khazanah...dah gi khazanah, sangkut lak kat stage 2 sebab ader interview MARA..hmm
tapi kalu x gi interview MARA..cmner aku nak tulis post pasal interview MARA..heheehhe...
papepun gud luck la...
ko punyer educamp same ngn adik aku, anas ker???
aah kot...
doa2kn ak bjaya ek...
*apsal anas dpt byk sgt intvw nye...
dear harizhazwan,
anas dpt byk interview sebab rezekit dier..
nway, kokurikulum maen peranan penting gak dlm mendapat interview..
hehehe.aku rasa aku dpt gi khazanah pun sebab koko aku..
nway, semuanyer ader hikmah
and kalu dpt byk interview pun..last2 kena pilih satu gak kan..
klau dpt byk lagi pening kepala..
nway, GUD LUCK lah tuk ko...
aku de gi interview MISC (under petronas) yg lebih kurang sama mcm petronas but ader laen gak..so kalu tanyer org yg betul2 gi educamp lagi bagus lah...
nnti aku cari la sape2 kwn aku yg willing nak bgtau..hehhee...in the mean time, ko cari lah dulu yer...
t'haru aku...
yer lah tuh...
eh, thanks for visiting...
ko apply per tuk PETRONAS tuh..
Interview BNM mmg best gila kan? I went to the interview n alhamdulillah I secured the scholarship but I had to give it up. Really sad.Iskiskisk. Another point sy nk tmbh, be true to yourself. When they asked me why I would choose financial and banking, I answered, I'm very particular about money and I want to know how money work and I'm crazy about investment, mortgage and such things. Btw, good luck to your brother. Look like I really miss those HRD staffs
Yup, memang bez...
owh you got the scholarship..
how dare you reject such offer...
hehhee..kiddin'..hmm mesti nak amek medic kan...
so blaja kat mane skang???
sekolah mane dulu???
selamat berkenalan...
yeah those HRD staffs are really great, amicable, friendly...they are superb!!! so come on (the applicants)...let's join the BNM group!!!
hie, for the bank negara, do they ask on current issues in malaysia? and how long for you to complete the essays for both BM and BI? thanks
and the interview 3 to 1, do they speak english to you or BM? do we present in BM or english? thanks.
hi lingling..
sorry for this late reply.. hope it is not that late..
during my time, they did not touch a single thing about current issues in Malaysia.. but u should be prepared for some, in case..
it depends on the interviewers, some interviewers might prefer current issue questions..and want to know the way we think about certain issues...
others just don't care and more interested about u...
regarding the essays.. each essay was alloted 30 mins.. therefore, the total is 1 hour for essays..
hmm only the BM essay is in Bahasa.. the rest are all in English.. hehehe.. GOOD LUCK!!
and for your info.. they have eliminated the individual presentation - don't know for what reason.. nway, once again.. GAN BATTE!
OMG you've helped me so much! thanks ammar!
and how do you know that the individual presentatin has been eliminated? if it is so, i will be so glad because that's one part of my biggest fear! hhahaa!
and can you tell me like what sort of karangan questions is being asked? or any examples of karangan questions you rememebered?
i'm very scared. i scared i screwed the whole thing and go blank during presentations!
once again, thanks a lot. hope to hear from you REAL SOON..hehee =)
to lingling,
hmm not that much...but u still haven't answer this Q - when is ur interview? and have you taken ur SPM?
yeah, it has been eliminated.. two proofs... my brother went for the interview this year thus he told me and the HR(Human Resource) officers also informed me the same thing..
but it's kind of 'rugi' lah.. because it is one of the best part..hahhaa
hmm not sure about this year.. but last year...
for each BM and BI they gave 5 question that we could choose from..
i did'nt remember the whole Q..but i remembered what i have chosen...
the BM one is about 'MAT Rempit' and the English one is regarding 'schemes in the internet'.. like this illegal investments and pyramid whatsoeva'
HOPE I'VE HELPED YOU A LOT.. do have confidence in urself.. i believe you can do it!
ha, stumbles upon ur blog again.
hmm, yup, currently reading medicine in Charles Uni, Czech
salam. ^^
ello ello!
i've received an e-mail and it says that i've been invited to attend the interview session on this 12th of May~ T_T...
so...nak tanya nie...huuu...is it enough if i kind of read the whole contoh karangan book? even for English as well? cuz a good buku2 contoh karangan usually will cover all topics either about general knowledge...current issues etc...kan? >_<~
omg~ takowtnyeeee...T_T
or is it compulsory to know every aspect of economy and finance and all 'money matters' to actually be ready for this interview session? >_<~~~
i hope you can reply me ASAP~ huuu~ ^^
and your post about your experiences really help a lot!!! ^^ thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!^^
wah..akhirnya jumpa juga generasi2 bBNM scholars..puas mencari..but just found a few..4 ur info..kak wani datukar..sedey sesangat..de dah ke supervising department..iseh..
ammar yang ni ammar UNITEN o wat..batch mana ek
salam everyone!
omg,thank god i found this post.thankss to u all..
i had sent an application to bnm recently and i heard the interview will be held in this end of march..any more tips and suggestions?please3 :)tq
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