Assalamualaikum semua (
esp MARA applicants),
Nampaknya masa berlalu dengan begitu pantas sekali...tinggal lebih kurang beberape jam,beberape minit lagi sebelum permulaan interview MARA...
BAGI yang interview ESOK, saya doakan yg terbaik untuk korang...jgn tido lewat sgt..biar fresh otak tuh... GUD LUCK!!!
BAGI yang interview tuk hari2 berikutnya pun, saya doakan all the best tuk korang gak!!!
1. Banyakkan
berdoa dan bertawakkal kepada ALLAH kerana firman Allah yg bermaksud :
"Apabila kamu telah berazam (dan berusaha) maka bertawakkal lah kepada Allah"
Menyambung dan me 'recall' research yg telah di buat sepertima yg disyorkan dalam posting yang lepas. Bagi yg x start lagi..masih ader masa..bukan byk research pun yg korang kena buat...Just baca2 sedikit info sambil minum2 teh atau kopi... ~cool~
Berbincang dengan rakan2 yang akan turut sama menghadiri interview MARA..kemungkinan kawan tuh merupakan kawan yang akan bersama anda semasa prog persediaan kelak.. Berhubung melalui SMS, YM atau emel... AND satu lagi...
sampaikan link blog nih kepada kawan2 yg anda tahu akan melalui benda yang sama yang akan anda lalui - INTERVIEW MARA!!! ... supaya semua dapat ambil manfaat... :)
Mencari ketenangan kerana di sebalik ketenangan tuh lah akan lahir idea2 yang bernas yg dpt di gunakan untuk menjawab interview kelak. Kalu tenang, soklan Albert Einstein pun boleh jawab.
BACA sikit ape yang saya rasa mcm bermanfaat bagi anda kat bawah nih.. SELAMAT MEMBACA!!!
Owh, lupa nak sampaikan satu amanat yg my fren, paie (nama samaran) bagitau.. :
Jangan lupa yang
apply medic middle east tuk ambil perhatian tuk soklan nih
"Why do you choose to study in the middle east, not in the UK??"
especially those who got straight A1... "Why don't you choose UK??"
nih la pemikiran segolongan orang, yg medic UK lagi elok dari medic middle east, it is actually dependent upon your own self... each place has its own unique advantages and surely some disadvantages...
Untuk manfaat semua applicants MARA, saya telah compile soklan2 yang korang tanya and jawab dalam post nih...Thanks for the soklan and I hope I answered all the questions fairly and adequately...
Anonymous: (kalu boleh tulis la nama...hehehe)
Bagaimana nak beri jawapan yang baik tuk 2 soklan nih?
1. Why MARA not JPA???
2. Why do you want to study at UK???
Ammar Faris:
First, cubalah Mr./Ms. anonymous wat brainstorming..you should know why hati tuh desired nak gi UK...Anyway, for the first question, you can answer something like this which basically what I had answered during my interview>> >
I prefer MARA to JPA because I am interested in the entrepreneurial field. I am planning to initiate my own business which will relate to engineering products (eg. solar car..etc...what you are planning to major la, like for me at that particular time, I opt for Mechanical Engin). As MARA provides and encourages Malay entrepeneurs to prosper in the entrepeneurial field, i think by choosing MARA, I'm in the right path and my aim can be easily achieved .I also wish, with my business, I will be able to help boost the Malay economics and at the same time encourage other Malays to set up their own business with the help of MARA.
For the second Q...
During that time, they asked me, why do you want to study in the US??
So, I answered something like...because a lot of innovation and techology come from the US.
I mentioned that I have watched a television program called 'Beyond Tomorrow' and was fascinated by the innovations and was encouraged by the superb technological inventions. I said that a lot of those sophisticated 'stuffs' was created by top US schools such as 'MIT', which is why I desired to go there.
Therefore, try searching the benefits of studying in UK, maybe you can cite some good engineering Uni there such as Imperial College... wat reasearch, kay...
Anonymous (the second) & Ammar Rosli:
Pasal esei, perancangan study and kerjaya tu macam mane sebenarnya?Maksudnya kalo kite diterima ke ataupun sumthing else??Essei nak buat macam mane?
Ammar Faris:
Essei nih x der lah 'fix' atau terlampau 'terkongkong' sgt isinya...dier x der fix format pun..memang x der skema..Write anything that relate dgn your backgroud, your study plannings, and future plannings lah which is your kerjaya pada masa hadapan...
Hmm dier nak pendek jer kan (around 300 ker??)..so jgn lah byk sgt merepek tuh..anyway, buat dulu, then baru edit..korang akan realize biler korang khusyuk buat yang korang dah lebih limit 300 tuh... (eh nak mintak kepastian...betul ker 300 patah perkataan limit dier???)
Yang intro tuh mungkin korang boleh buat a brief explanation about yourself and your background, a little bit of your achievements (kalu ader achievement yang relate dengan bidang yg korang pilih lagi baik) and kalu mcm sket mungkin boleh tambah what makes you choose that course..
Then, teruskan dengan your study plannings...
Elok mcm check la tempat yg MARA akan hantar and what type of courses yg korang bakal amek (eg. IB, A-level) and tempoh study tuh, contohnya mcm sape yg plan nak gi UK tuh...biasanya MARA akan hantar ke Kolej MARA Banting tuk buat IB around two years..and kalu yg middle east tuh biasanyer kat INTEC selama 3 bulan...
So, dlm study plannings tu boleh lah tulis yg korang plan nak wat persediaan kat mane, tempoh and pengalaman yg korang nak amek time persediaan tuh..
lepas tuh pegi ke Degree pulak...mcm pe target Universities, Oxford or Harvard or MIT ker???bape tahun amek degree..and ape nak buat time kat overseas tuh..what kind of experience do you want to gain???
Lepas tuh state la, de plan nak sambung master or PhD ker... what course to you plan to specialize...
Then, teruskan dengan future planning or kerjaya...
Cakaplah lepas balik MAS nnti..nak wat per?? serve MARA sebab dorang sponsor ker..realisasikan hasrat tuk menjadi entrepreneur yg berjaya ker..nak tolong orang2 melayu ker...
Basically, tu lah isi2 penting yang korang kena ader..x yah lah nak tulis benda yg membodek atau merayu2 supaya MARA mengambil saya...
(Hmm dier nak kiter tulis pakai pen ker taip??)- ade indicate x kat borang kuning tuh???
Anway, during my time, saya taip biar nampak kemas and kepilkan bersama borang kuning tuh...(masih kuning lagi kan borang tuh???)
Persoalan tentang dalam ENGLISH or BM.. I suggest that you tulis dlm English especially those who plan to further their studies kat English-spoken countries mcm US or UK..
File tuh nak kasi terus ker x time interview???
Ammar Faris:
Just pegang time bawak dlm bilik interview and biler dier persilakan kita duduk, neatly and carefully, slow2 letak atas meja tuh.. sebab dh ramai applicant yg di 'interview', so mungkin secara automatik dier akan amek file tuh and tgk (sebab dier dah tau dah setiap applicants yg bwk file tuh memang content file tuh ialah sijil2)
but, take notes that kadang2 dier x tgk pun..during my time, dier sentuh2 mcm tu jer..
They are actually lebih interested in knowing kiter punyer achievements through kiter punyer mulut..kiter lah yg kena pandai elaborate and explain articulately and accurately psl kiter punyer achievements...
Tahun lepas, ramai x dak mrsm yg dapat tajaan MARA?
Ammar Faris:
Yang ni diluar pengetahuan saya, but what I know is ramai yg pegi interview dpt offer (1000 tuh kira ramai la tuh).. kalu ikut statistik thn lepas..lebih kurang 5000-6000 dpt gi interview...yg dpt dalam 1000...
Betul ke orang cakap sape2 yg dpt gi interview MARA ni confirm gi overseas?? dah dua thn mereka pakai sistem tuh..
Ammar Faris:
I would definitely say no.. kalu mcm tu, wat per lah dorang buat interview..
as I have mentioned above, yg dpt gi interview around 5000-6000.. and yang dapat offer dlm 1000... (tahun lepas dier tambah sket)...
Kalu time interview, tiba2 gatal kaki, macma mane nak garu??
Ammar Faris:
Ish2 iqbal, buat lawak ek...hmm biasanyer sebab nervous and sebab kiter betul2 concentrate tuk interview tuh, so, badan kiter nih mcm x der masa tuk melayan gatal2 ringan di badan..hmm nway kalu gatal sangat garu jer la..but cover2 la..x pun, guna kaki satu lagi tuk garu...
Agak2 brapa lama interview???
Ammar Faris:
Interview kadang2 depends gak..mcm kalu kena giliran hujung2 tuh and interviewers dah nak makan atau dah interview ramai sgt orang..chances tuk dipendekkan interview tuh agak tinggi..but average mcm 20-30 minit la.. kalu dier minat dengan kiter (cara kiter ckp, or byk soklan kiter tanya)..mungkin lama sket la...
untuk interview MARA kena bagi sijil2??? nak bagi sijil daripada form 1 smpai form 5 atau form 4 & form 5??
Ammar Faris:
U mean sijil2 yg di photostat ker???time masa saya x yah bagi yg photostat..just bwk yg original and 'compile'kan dlm file (2D is recommended)...hmm x semestinya sijil tuh dari form 4 & form 5... dari form 1 sampai form 5 pun boleh..tapi lagi elok kalu ader byk sket yg form 4 and form 5 lah..sebab yg tu paling recent..even dlm 2D file saya, saya letak some core achievements time sekolah rendah (eg. pengawas and tokoh murid)...so depends la..but memang byk gak lah sijil2 tuh datang dari form 4 and form 5
Bila result kuar lepas dah interviu??? biler start wat preparation?? kena masuk matrik dulu ke??
Ammar Faris:
Biler dier release result tuh kena check website dier la..kalu thn lepas...dalam pertengahan ke hujung bulan May...
Preparation tu lak depends on tempat preparation..contohnya yg pegi INTEC tuk program A-levels or AUSMAT dlm awal bulan tujuh, kalu x silap...
Hmm definitely sempat nak decide whether perlu masuk matrik ke x.. mcm time saya cmni..saya dpt tau yg dpt masuk ke pusat asasi UIA tuk wat engin (dpt tau UPU)..so saya tolak matrik...but sebelum daftar UIA or other UPU tuh, kiter akan tahu whether kiter dpt scholarship or not so flow dier mcm nih la..
keputusan matrik> keputusan UPU> daftar matrik> keputusan scholarship>daftar UPU> daftar tempat persediaan
Budak2 SBP lagi smaller chances dorang untuk dapat scholarship MARA berbanding budak2 MRSM??
Ammar Faris:
Sama sekali tidak. If you do well in you interview regardless of your school, insyaALLAH you will get the scholarship...but just note that tuk MRSM quota dorang besar sket... but seriously, it doesn't mean that if you are a SBP student, your chances are small..
Last year, from my school KISAS, which is a SBP school. From those who get the interview, 95 percent got the scholarship..so, no fret..just try your best!!!
Hariz Hazwan & abby90:
Pe soklan yg sesuai untuk di tanya time Q&A session?
Ammar Faris:
Tanya je soklan yang korang nak lebih explanation about certain things..
juz jgn tanya soklan yg x releven la and soklan yg dah ader dlm website MARA ker...
So, antara soklan yg releven nak tanya ialah:
1. (paling simple and common) When will MARA release their results?(tambah sket benda cmni) as it will make it easier for me to plan for my post-secondary studies and for a back up plan.. .
2. Will MARA sponsor me if I want to further my studies for Master and PhD??
3. Do I have to pay MARA if I did not reach certain requirements?
4. How long will I be serving MARA upon completion of my undergraduate studies?? (kalu mcm nak menarik sket)...Can I extend if i'm interested in continuing to serve MARA...
5. (follow up from Q2) If I want to further my studies for Master and PhD, am I supposed to serve MARA first or I can continue my studies first and serve MARA after completing my PhD
or Master..
and mcm2 lagi soklan yg boleh ditanya...
Thanks sekali lagi kepada semua yg menyoal..a lot of the answers are my opinions and sememangnya boleh dibangkang atau tidak diterima.. my niat is just to help you guys and i hope that i have helped a lot and hope that you all will get the scholarship.. Wish you all GUD LUCK!!!
Jangan lupa nak keep in touch after the interview and bagitau lah nnti biler dah dpt offer...:)
Sape yg ade YM ID.. boleh letak kat Shout!!!Box tuh ..atau pun terus add me ...
my ID: cool_2guyz, jangan lupa tuk letak kat brief introduction tuh yg korang ialah MARA applicants...
Bagi yang masih samar2 kat mane UniKL nih.. ni saya sertakan map dier.. yg saya petik dari laman web dier...

nak senang gi
link nih ....